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Friday, April 14, 2006

Sea Dragon

I remember first seeing this animal years ago on the cover of National Geographic. They are strange looking creatures.

Click on image to purchase a print.

Haunting Baluga Whales

Here are two of the Beluga Whales at the Georgia Aquarium. The whale in front came from a park in Mexico City where it was in ill health. You can see the a skin lision on the front flipper. Since moving to Atlanta he has greatly improved.

Click on the picture to be able to purchase a print.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Flying Cownose Stringrays

We traveled down to Atlanta to see the new Georgia Aquarium. It is the biggest aquarium in the world. This is a shot of a group of cownosed stringrays swimming in the largest indoor aquarium. It looks like I took this pic underwater, but the tank is just that big! It is apparently in deepest areas about 30 feet. Simply Amazing!